Livre d'Or

De HHAQYe2y Le 27/04/2014 - 04:30

Anonymous and Carlos review your History, those 'occupied' cieits never belonged to Morocco, for the simple reason that in 1668 Morocco was still in processus of being unificated. It would be like claiming something that has never been yours. Now I dont really care, I'm italian, but I do have spanish friends from ceuta that wouldnt like to be anything else. The moroccans I have to ask, are they born in ceuta or you refer to the ones that cross the douane daily to buy alcohol at better prices and play in the casino?

De z4PGRSRg Le 27/04/2014 - 01:49

Bonjour . je voudrais saovir le prix de la traverse9e aller -retour pour 2 personnes et un camping car de 7m de long et une remorque de 3m 50 de9part le 27:12:2011 et retour vers le 15 Mars 2012. Salutations. E. Cle9ment

De 6mCQuPjA Le 26/04/2014 - 12:50

I agee with the analysis. I view the soaittiun in quite simplistic terms. If they are building additional terminals at the airports, they need planes to fly to them! These cannot simply be filled with Royal Air Maroc planes, therefore a compromise has to be reached with the low cost carriers, otherwise these new terminals will be white elephants!

De الى الامام Le 04/05/2011 - 22:54

متمنياتنا لكم بالنجاح

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